Card Title

This is some text within a card body.

Card Action Button

This is some text within a card body.

Card Title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Card link Another link

Footer bg-whitesmoke

This is some text within a card body.

Card Variants

Basically, the Bootstrap card can be given a color variant.

Card Header

Card .card-primary

Card Header

Card .card-secondary

Card Header

Card .card-danger

Card Header

Card .card-warning

Card Header

Card .card-info

Card Header

Card .card-success

Card Header

Card .card-light

Card Header

Card .card-dark

Card Button & Input

Also, you can give a button or input on the card header.

Card Header

Write something here

Button Group

Write something here

Input Text

Write something here

Card Header

Write something here

Write something here

Input Button

Write something here

FunctionOtika Card

You can provide functionOtika on the card.


You can show or hide this card.

My Picture

Click the picture below to see the magic!


You can dimiss this card.


Click login to change the card to progress mode.

Sortable Card

Other cool cards, this one can be sorted.

Card Header

Card .card-primary

Card Header

Card .card-secondary

Card Header

Card .card-danger

Card Header

Card .card-warning

Setting Panel
Select Layout
Sidebar Color
Color Theme