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For theme related configurations changes, you have to just change in one file config.service.ts. You can find config file in config folder.

Note: we store theme related data in localstorage in browser, so whenever you chagne in config file please clear your browser data first.
    this.configData = {
        layout: {
            rtl: false, // options:  true & false
            variant: 'dark', // options:  light & dark
            theme_color: 'black', // options:  white, cyan, black, purple, orange, green, red
            logo_bg_color: 'black', // options:  white, cyan, black, purple, orange, green, red
            sidebar: {
                collapsed: false, // options:  true & false
                backgroundColor: 'dark', // options:  light & dark

Options Description
rtl For RTL layout set it to true, for LTR layout set it to false.
varient For use light template layout value is light & for dark template use darkin value.
theme_color You have multiple theme options, you can chose any theme color from white, black, purple, blue, cyan, green, orange.
logo_bg_color You have multiple logo background options, you can chose any theme color from white, black, purple, blue, cyan, green, orange.
collapsed Set true for collapsed sidebar and false for regular sidebar.
backgroundColor You can set sidebar background color light for white sidebar background and dark for dark sidebar background.